With the end of the year fast approaching, we are pleased to let our supporters know how we have been working to secure victories and progresses for animals this winter.

Recently, our campaigns to end greyhound racing, ban snares and cease the use of live reindeer in displays have yielded exciting updates.

And on the fundraising front, we have several ways in which you can support OneKind’s work to improve the lives of Scotland’s animals.

As this time of year often brings time for reflection, we hope that our supporters know much the OneKind team appreciate their support and actions as we strive to create a kinder world for animals.

Campaign updates

Victory for Scotland’s animals: the Environment Minister commits to a full ban on snares

Set snare

On the 9th of November, Gillian Martin, Minister for Energy and Environment, confirmed in a letter to the Rural Affairs and Islands Committee that she plans to introduce "a full ban on the use of snares" in the Wildlife Management and Muirburn (Scotland) Bill.

This letter came the day after the final evidence session to the Committee at the Scottish Parliament in which our Director, Bob Elliot sat on the panel to deliver evidence in strong support of a ban on these cruel, indiscriminate devices.

Then, later in the month, the Wildlife Management and Muirburn (Scotland) Bill was voted through to Stage 2! This is the Bill that intends to ban glue traps, license grouse shooting, give the Scottish SPCA added powers to investigate wildlife crime and fully ban the use of snares, among other intentions.

We would like to wholeheartedly thank Gillian Martin MSP for not compromising on animal welfare by committing to a full ban on snaring in Scotland.

And a huge thank you to all our supporters, former colleagues, the like-minded organisations and individuals who have campaigned for more than four decades for ban on these archaic, cruel devices.

We will continue to deliver updates on this Bill as it passes through Parliament and the campaign to ban snares – once and for all.

Read our blog - A FULL ban on snares

Stop live reindeer displays: 32 venues across the UK choose compassion this Christmas!

Reindeer pulling Santas sleigh on Christmas parade.

In response to the open letter signed by 11 animal welfare organisations and supporters advocating for reindeer, we’re absolutely delighted that 32 venues (that previously used live reindeer between 2019-2022) have confirmed that their Christmas celebrations will go ahead this year without the exploitation of these beautiful artic animals.

Learn more about the campaign 

We did it! The Unbound the Greyhound open letter smashes the 20,000 signatures target

Greyhound with trainer

At the beginning of November, we were elated that the Unbound the Greyhound campaign’s open letter reached over 20,000 signatures!

We crossed the finish line on the open letter just as we were approaching the 6-month mark of the coalition campaign, and in that short amount of time we are delighted to have gained an incredible amount of support worldwide for an end to greyhound racing in Scotland.

Over the course of the campaign, we also secured celebrity support with signatories including Chris Packham, Peter Egan and Lucy Watson.

We are so grateful to everyone who signed and shared the open letter. Thank you.

In due course, we will hand in the open letter to the Scottish Government and provide updates on the next stages of the campaign. In the meantime, the letter remains open for any further signatures.

Add your name

Animal Aid campaign to ban bird shooting: please sign the petition

Pheasant on a Scottish moor

We are pleased to share our friends at Animal Aid’s petition to ban the shooting of grouse and partridge and call on our supporters to add their name.

At this time of year, wealthy landowners release around 60 million pheasants and partridges, to be shot for ‘fun’. Many of these young birds are born in factory-like conditions, intensively bred for the purpose - and their parents suffer horrendous lives in tiny cages.

Please sign the petition

Media highlights

Panda Tian Tian in a concrete room in Edinburgh zoo

OneKind featured in several publications on pandas Yang Guang and Tian Tian being transported back to China from Edinburgh Zoo, including BBC News, The Guardian, Sky News and The Scottish Daily Express.

In each article, radio or TV interview, we expressed our criticisms of wild animals in captivity and the outdated cruelty of zoos and animals as diplomatic ‘gifts’, as well as our long-standing concerns for both pandas’ welfare throughout their 12 years in Edinburgh.

With Yang Guang and Tian Tian having returned to China after a long flight home, we hope to never again see pandas in Scotland.

Bob Elliot, OneKind Director commented for BBC Scotland:

"You can imagine them in the forests of China where they should be, but not in a zoo in Edinburgh.

"Zoo collections are so old school now that their time has come, and we really need to be looking beyond zoos and how we actually conserve animals in the wild".

Fundraising updates 

Giving lottery: win a £3,000 Christmas Cash Bonus!

In the festive Super Draw, you can support OneKind through the Giving Lottery, and you could win a £3,000 bonus!

Please purchase your tickets before Saturday 23rd December to be in with a chance to win.

Giving lottery tickets

You can give a gift that gives back by shopping with easyfundraising

With the festive season well underway, if you still have gifts to buy this Christmas, you can make those gifts go further!

By shopping through your easyfundraising account, you can online shop with thousands of big-name retailers who will then donate a percentage to OneKind on your behalf. As all of our work is funded by donations and grants, we rely on these funds to deliver strong campaigns for the welfare of animals.

You can set up an account in a few easy steps then shop as normal and at no extra cost to yourself.

Get started with easyfundraising