Although the season’s may be changing; the OneKind team and our supporters’ dedication to protecting Scotland’s animals certainly is not.

We’re pleased to bring you another update on our campaigns, fundraising and how you can get involved. We couldn’t continue our work to help animals without the ongoing support and generosity of our supporters, whom we greatly value.

Firstly, we would like to sincerely thank everyone who have taken action for animals by responding to either or both of the Scottish Government’s consultations on licensing greyhound racing and snare use, along with the powers of the Scottish SPCA, in Scotland.

We’re thrilled to announce that the Unbound the Greyhound open letter has reached a major milestone, having now surpassed 18,000 signatures! Having only launched the campaign in June, we’re elated to have already gained so much support for an end to greyhound racing in Scotland. Thank you to all who have signed and shared the coalition campaign’s open letter. 

And after decades of campaigning by ourselves, like-minded organisations and individuals, and the Bill being passed in January of this year, the Hunting with Dogs (Scotland) Act came into force nationwide on Tuesday, 3rd of October. Our Director, Bob Elliot, was quoted as saying the day was “a monumental day in Scotland” as it ends the hunting of foxes for ‘sport’.

Fundraising updates

Autumn Appeal: we need your help to Unbound the Greyhound

Rescued greyhound Kaas.

At the beginning of September, we launched our Autumn Appeal to raise funds for our campaigns, such as our campaign to bring an end to dog racing in Scotland. We shared the story of campaign covergirl Kaas - a gorgeous rescue greyhound who was saved at two years old and now leads a happy life– appealing for your help to save her pals who are still trapped in the exploitative industry.

While dog racing might seem like a “fun” pastime, there is a disturbing and dark side to this industry There are a multitude of welfare issues relating to dog racing. Kaas is one of the lucky ones. Many others haven’t been and won’t be so lucky. 2,718 greyhounds died and 22,284 were injured between 2018-2022 across the UK. Dog racing is on its last legs, but we really need your help to put it out of its misery for good.

As all of our campaigns and investigations to protect animals are funded by donations, we are extremely grateful for the generosity of our supporters. Your donations help OneKind expose cruelty and demand positive changes for animals in Scotland.

Please find out more about supporting our campaigns and donate what you can today.

Donate to greyhound appeal

It’s a new round! Please keep voting for us on My Giving Circle

Thank you so much for your support through My Giving Circle. We narrowly missed out on a grant in the last round, but the good news is all of your votes carry forward to this new round. That means we have started in a great position, and in with a chance of winning at the end of December. Please kindly remember to keep voting for us free each week!

Vote for OneKind

Campaign updates

People come together at the ‘Greyhounds Around the Globe’ conference

Greyhound conference attendees

On Saturday 16th September, our Unbound the Greyhound coalition partners, GREY2K USA, united leaders in greyhound advocacy in Edinburgh for the ‘Greyhounds Around the Globe’ conference.

We were elated to attend this event, with OneKind’s Campaigner & Policy Officer, Eve, delivering a presentation on the support to end dog racing in Scotland.

The event hosted a stellar line up of speakers from across the UK, Ireland, America and even speakers who joined via video from the other side of the world in Australia and New Zealand.

We were overjoyed to cheer on our coalition partners and friends from Scotland Against Greyhound Exploitation (SAGE) and Say No to Greyhound Racing in Scotland be recognised with awards for their dedication to exposing and working to end the greyhound racing industry in Scotland.

Rescued greyhounds resting at greyhound conference in Edinburgh.

With greyhounds being at the heart of the conference, it was befitting that there were numerous rescued greyhounds in attendance, including some familiar faces; Kaas with her signature squinty smile, Scotland Against Greyhound Exploitation (SAGE) cover star Sasha and OneKind office dog Bob.

We would like to thank our friends at GREY2K USA for holding such an incredibly inspiring and positive event where people can come together to create a kinder world for greyhounds.

Read about our experience of the conference here.

Metal musician supports the Unbound the Greyhound campaign

British metal band Napalm Death vocalist Barney Green with rescued greyhound.

We’re excited to report that vocalist for British metal band Napalm Death, Barney Greenway – who is also a long-time animal rights supporter and vegan – has signed the Unbound the Greyhound open letter in support of an end to dog racing in Scotland! Barney is pictured with the late Bami, who was a wonderful sister to one of our campaign covergirls, Kaas.

September Media round up


The Unbound the Greyhound campaign has received global media coverage, as highlighted in this EuroWeekly article, which covers the dwindling support for the industry and the ongoing grassroots and organisational effort in Scotland to end dog racing, and the backing by the public.


Fox in a field

Last month we shared the deeply unsettling report that nearly 46,985 wild animals - spanning 84 species - have been licensed to be killed by Nature Scot, as uncovered by The Ferret.

Our Director, Bob Elliot, was quoted as saying that we at OneKind were appalled.

Further; "We believe that a fundamental shift in mindset is required, away from viewing other animals as a resource to be ‘managed’ towards valuing them as other sentient beings, who should be allowed to thrive. Killing should not be part of routine ‘management’".

Scotland’s First Minister Humza Yousaf reacted to The Ferret’s revelations of the wildlife killings and promised that there would be a government investigation into Nature Scot.


And finally, we would like to share this Daily Mirror article in support of our friends at The Animal Law Foundation launching a new legal initiative legal initiative focused on the killing methods of decapod crustaceans, like crabs and lobsters.

Read 'Lobsters feel pain .. we should stop boiling them to death and make it illegal'.