News Blog Live exports to be banned in Britain 15-05-24 We are delighted to announce that the Bill to ban live exports from and through Britain has passed its final stage in the UK Parliament. The Animal Welfare (Livestock Exports) Bill will now be enshrined into law, meaning the export of cattle, sheep, goats, pigs and horses for slaughter and fattening from Great Britain will become illegal. This is a huge win for animal welfare, which will prevent considerable, at times extreme, mental and physical suffering that was inflicted upon exported farmed animals. OneKind Director, Bob Elliot, said: “We are thrilled, that after decades of campaigning alongside like-minded organisations, live exports are to be banned from and through Britain. “Animals will no longer be subjected to long and gruelling journeys in cramped conditions, where they are at risk of dehydration, overheating and, sadly, even death. “I must thank all our supporters for their passion, drive and action throughout the years. And, of course, our brilliant friends at Compassion in World Farming and those volunteers on the ground for their tireless campaigning throughout the years”. Our work to ban live exports We have long-campaigned for a ban on the live exports of farmed animals from and through Britain. Protests Alongside like-minded organisations, such as Compassion for World Farming UK, Viva! and community groups such as Ayrshire Animal Save and Kent Animal Defenders, we protested outside the Scottish Government to hold the Government accountable. Supporter actions From 2018, an incredible 5,072 of our supporters wrote to former Rural Economy Secretary Fergus Ewing urging him to stop opposing a UK-wide ban on the live export of animals for slaughter or fattening. In 2021, more than 6,250 people signed our petition to the Scottish Government to work with the UK Government and the Welsh Government to deliver a ban across the whole of Great Britain at the same time, and as soon as possible. Spreading the word in the media Throughout the years, we have raised awareness about the grave welfare issues of the live exports of farmed animals. More recent highlights include coverage of our work on BBC’s Reporting Scotland and The Times. Of course, these are only a few highlights of a decades-long campaign to end the cruel live exports trade. Thank you to everyone who stood up for these animals and played their part in securing yesterday’s live exports ban. Manage Cookie Preferences