Last night, OneKind Director, Bob Elliot, made the case for an outright ban on fox hunting in Scotland on STV’s Scotland Tonight.

OneKind Director Bob Elliot on STV

Bob debated Huntswoman of the Lauderdale Hunt, Claire Bellamy, who does not want to see any strengthening of Scotland’s fox hunting legislation.

During the debate, Bob argued that fox hunting is a cruel ‘sport’ that has to end and that loopholes in the legislation are being exploited by hunts to continue much as they did before the ‘ban’. In response to Claire asking Bob whether he believes in ‘any form of wildlife management’, Bob also commented that any type of wildlife ‘management’ should be considered under an ethical framework.

The Scottish Government is currently considering proposed changes to the Protection of Wild Mammals (Scotland) Act, with the possibility of introducing a real fox hunting ban. Alongside our supporters, we responded to the consultation, urging the Government to close loopholes in the legislation that currently allow fox hunting to continue as much as it did before the 2002 ‘ban’.

Help us to secure a fox hunting ban

When the fox hunting ‘ban’ came into force 20 years ago, we couldn’t have known that we would still be fighting for a real ban all these years later. We take advantage of every opportunity that comes our way to raise awareness of Scotland’s weak fox hunting legislation, expose the cruelty involved in this so-called ‘sport’ and gain maximum exposure for our calls to consign this cruel pastime to the history books.

Your donations allow us to keep fighting for a real ban for Scotland’s foxes. Indeed, it was with your support that we were able to pressure the Scottish Government to recently consult on strengthening Scotland’s fox hunting ban. If you would like to support us in our high-profile campaigning, please consider leaving a donation.