Vegans don’t eat, wear or use any animal products. They also exclude, as far as is practicable, all forms of animal exploitation and cruelty. This includes using cosmetics and household products which are tested on animals, and using animals for entertainment in places like zoos, circuses, and tourist attractions.
Going vegan is one of the best things we can do to help reduce animal suffering, and for many, preventing animal exploitation is the main reason for adopting a more compassionate lifestyle. But it isn’t the only one.
Consuming animal products can, and often does, have a negative effect on our health, and animal agriculture has an impact on our planet and many humans who live on it. In the sections below we explain why animal agriculture has a negative impact on, not just the animals, but the environment, our health, and social justice too.
Farmed animals are intelligent, social, caring beings, but on many farms their lives are very restricted and often full of suffering. Read more
Animal agriculture is having a devastating impact on our planet. The demand for meat and dairy results in deforestation and other land clearing to make room to farm animals and grow the crops to feed them. Read more
As with a non-vegan diet, with good planning and an understanding of what makes up a healthy, balanced vegan diet, we can get all the nutrients our bodies need from plant-based food. Read more