MP for Sowerby in Yorkshire from 1949 – 1974, Lord Houghton had been President of Animal Welfare Year (1976 – 1977) and Chairman of the General Election Co-ordinating Committee for Animal Protection (GECCAP).

The (Lord) Houghton group

Lord Houghton was a very active president and a member of various committees in addition to his parliamentary work. He introduced many Members Bills about animal rights to the House of Lords and met regularly with the Home Secretary to discuss anti-vivisection and the reform of vivisection to ensure better welfare of those animals used in it.

He was involved, directly and indirectly, in getting several animal welfare measures through parliament, including the banning of pets from sale at street markets, and tightening protections for badgers. He was very involved in trying to improve the Dangerous Dogs Act 1991 up until his death.

While he was 90, he received the first BVA Alice Stanley Jayne Award for outstanding services to animal welfare.

Image: The Houghton Group. Lord Houghton chaired the group who produced The Houghton Memorandum, a set of recommendations about experiments on living animals which was presented to the Secretary of State for the Home Department in 1976.

(Photos © OneKind)