Advocates for Animal's name change to OneKind reflected the organisation’s vision of a world in which non-human animals are recognised as individuals and respected for their capacities and priorities, which are different to but not lesser than humans.

Girl stroking a cows chin

A world in which humans empathise with other animals, treat them with kindness, dignity and compassion, and allow them to flourish.


As well as encouraging people to make animal-friendly lifestyle choices, OneKind would work to change the laws and systems that allow harm to animals.

They’re Here

To mark the launch of OneKind, a ‘movie hoax’ was created about a forthcoming film entitled ‘They’re Here’, which sparked speculation that it would be a major new sci-fi motion picture.

Screenshot of newscaster in hoax film called

‘They’re Here’ was in fact a short film showing a disparate group of individuals hearing via the media that creatures, with incredible abilities, had been discovered across the earth. The pull back and reveal was that these creatures were in fact the diverse range of animals populating the planet. One of the stars of the film was actor Angus McInnes, whose movie credentials include Star Wars, Judge Dredd and Superman II.

‘They’re Here’ won the top prize at the 2nd annual Movieviral awards.