Let’s take a look back at how the OneKind team and our supporters have worked to protect animals last month.

Following our last update on our campaign to ban snares, we are still awaiting the Scottish Government’s imminent verdict on banning snares. In June, Wales announced they would ban snares and became the first UK nation to do so. We are urging the Scottish Government not to let Scotland fall behind on important animal welfare measures.

Poster for campaign to end greyhound racing in Scotland

Further, June was an important month here at OneKind as we launched the Unbound The Greyhound coalition campaign and already over 8,700 people (with that number growing each day!) have added their name to the open letter to end greyhound racing in Scotland.


We are delighted to be receiving an incredible amount of support for the campaign from people around the world! Thank you to everyone who has already taken action for greyhounds by signing the open letter, and if you haven’t yet, please do add your name today – each signature gets us closer to a brighter future for greyhounds.

Sign the open letter

SnareWatch update

Snare set in fence on footpath

Last month, we received a report of a snaring incident that took place in Morningside, Edinburgh, differing from the common location of a rural area. In this incident, a cat was caught in a what appeared to be a purchased snare that had been adapted and fixed to a fence. Thankfully, the cat was able to be released from the trapping device.

However, this was the first of three incidents which occurred in the same location, in short succession. The same style of snare was found in three separate instances secured to fencing near a railway footbridge, at the former Morningside Station. The snare was illegal.

Latest SnareWatch reports

Unbound the Greyhound campaign launch and update

In the first week of June, we excitedly launched our Unbound the Greyhound campaign in coalition with 8 other like-minded animal welfare groups to take action for greyhounds.

Then, that weekend we held our launch event in Buchanan Street, Glasgow along with our friends from Scotland Against Greyhound Exploitation (SAGE) and Animal Concern. At the launch, we were pleased to be joined by a few fantastic four-legged campaigners too; Sasha, Bob, Bertie, Sally and Bolt – all rescue greyhounds who were stars of the show (with their own gazebo, comfy beds, all the head scratches and treats on tap, of course!). The lovely people out and about in Glasgow that day were very receptive of the campaign.

Since the launch, we have gained a lot of public support as well as celebrity backing including Peter Egan, Chris Packham, Megan McCubbin and Lucy Watson.

Later in the month, we also raised awareness of the campaign through adverts on bus stops and telephone boxes across Edinburgh and Glasgow. We encouraged people to be on the lookout for Bob the greyhound, and to snap a photo with Bob and use the QR code on the adverts to sign the open letter. Once again, we were pleased to see an incredible amount of support and appreciated all the photos we received.

To find out more about the coalition's campaign and our mission to end the exploitation of dogs for entertainment, check out our Unbound the Greyhound blog.

In the media

As part of the Unbound the Greyhound campaign, OneKind Campaigner, Eve, wrote an opinion piece for The Courier to share her experience of adopting a rescue greyhound, Bob - who shares his name with our campaign greyhound. Since adopting Bob four years ago, Eve has nurtured him through his anxiety from his previous racing life, and he now knows he is in a safe and loving home, which Eve details in the article.

Read Eve’s article

Greyhounds Around the Globe conference: September, Edinburgh

We welcome people to join us in attending the Greyhounds Around the Globe conference which is taking place in Scotland this year. This is the third international conference organised by one of the Unbound the Greyhound coalition groups, Grey2K USA.

The event will be taking place on Saturday 16th September at Edinburgh University. Registration is now open, with the fee of £85 covering refreshments, lunch and dinner – all vegan!

OneKind campaigner, Eve, will be one of the many speakers; all of whom are leading voices in greyhound advocacy.

Find out more and book your place

Fundraise for OneKind one step at a time at Edinburgh’s Kiltwalk

Dog walking on Edinburgh Kiltwalk

On the fundraising front, there is still time to register your place in the Edinburgh Kiltwalk if you’d like to step up for animals and raise funds for OneKind.

The Edinburgh Kiltwalk will occur on Sunday 17th September, and you can opt which of three distances you take on!

Incredibly, supporters who take part in challenge events – such as Kiltwalks and marathons – raise around £7,000 each year to help fund our campaigns and investigations to protect animals.

If you sign up via our website, you'll receive a OneKind t-shirt and get fundraising tips and a discount on the registration fee! We're with you every step of the way.

Sign up today

My Giving Circle: vote for animals, vote for OneKind

We are once again urging people to vote for us to win a grant from My Giving Circle, which could help fund our work to protect animals across Scotland. This current round is open now and we need you to vote for us - voting is free, fast and takes just a few clicks! Voting for us via My Giving Circle is a great way to support OneKind, all without spending a penny!

As all of our campaign and investigations are funded entirely by donations and grants, we rely on the ongoing support of the public to help us continue our work to protect Scotland’s animals.