1 year of Unbound the Greyhound 22-07-24

From our launch outreach event on the streets of Glasgow last June, to the proposed Bill to ban greyhound racing in Scotland securing cross-party support this June, it’s been a year of significant progress. Read more

How we helped animals in June 11-07-24

As always and with the help of our supporters, we will continue working hard to drive positive changes for animals across Scotland and beyond. Please continue reading to find out more about Onekind’s work in June and how you can support our campaigns. Read more

The hunt for vegan shoes 11-07-24

Environmentally friendly alternatives to leather and suede footwear are widely available, both from specialist stores online, and on the High Street where most large retailers stock some non-leather shoes. Read more

86% support Bill to ban greyhound racing 26-06-24

More than 86% of those who responded to the proposed Bill to ban greyhound racing in Scotland have expressed support for the measure. Read more

5,000 individuals Stand Up for Pigs 04-06-24

5,000 people email Scottish Government to pressure them to consult on a phase out to farrowing crates for mother pigs. Read more

Four-legged campaigner Sasha celebrates 10th birthday 04-06-24

As greyhound Sasha celebrates her 10th birthday, we shine a spotlight on the four-legged activist. Read more

How we helped animals in May 02-06-24

From the major announcement that the exportation of live animals is to be banned in Britian after decades of campaigning, to positive progresses in both our campaigns for greyhounds and mother pigs in Scotland – a lot happened throughout the month of May in animal welfare. Read more

Minister says ban on greyhound racing is not proportionate 23-05-24

The Scottish Government consulted last year on its proposal to licence greyhound racing instead of banning it. The Minister said yesterday that he is still considering that option but hasn’t made any decisions. Read more

OneKind vegan inspiration 22-05-24

Our compassionate living section gives lots of helpful information for sourcing cosmetics, household products, clothing and more. Read more

Live exports to be banned in Britain 15-05-24

We are delighted to announce that the Bill to ban live exports from and through Britain has passed its final stage in the UK Parliament. Read more

How we helped animals in April 01-05-24

As always, we would like to express our gratitude to our supporters for their unwavering support of our work and compassion for animals. Thank you. Read more

Supporter guide for consultation on proposal to phase out the use of cages for hens in Scotland 25-04-24

We have provided guidance to respond in favour of a phase out of cages for laying hens, whilst also calling on the Government to consult on phasing out farrowing crates too. Read more